How to become a Podiatrist
Ready to take the first step to an exciting and rewarding career?
Our members are proud to call themselves Podiatrists - and they love what they do! It may seem like Podiatrists are just helping alleviate pain or fix a problem, but they have the skills to give their patients back the opportunity to walk, work and spend time with their families without being held back by foot pain or discomfort.
What is a Podiatrist?
Podiatrists are specialists in the diagnosis, treatment and management of lower limb problems. This includes the feet, ankles, knees and legs. They treat kids, athletes, adults and the elderly alike.
A day in the life of a Podiatrist can look like…
As Podiatrists learn about a diverse range of lower limb problems, no two days are the same. In one day you may help treat:
Shin splints
An ingrown toenail
Plantar fasciitis (heel pain)
A wound
Knee pain
Kids heel pain
A neuroma
Corns and callus
… And better yet - you’ll know the best management approaches to help with ALL of these conditions and be able to provide almost immediate relief for many of these problems.
What’s the long-term outlook of the job?
One word: Fantastic. You’ll have the opportunity to start your own clinic, work at an existing clinic, work in a private or public hospital setting, or take your skills overseas to work in countries like Australia, Singapore and the UK.
You’ll participate in continued learning and professional development so you can implement new strategies to get the best health outcomes for your patients. Potentially best of all, Podiatry is currently a relatively small profession with 455 Podiatrists registered in New Zealand - meaning you get to know one another very quickly and foster great relationships. The staffing demand for Podiatrists is also currently high both in New Zealand and overseas.
That sounds great! How do I get started?
To become a Podiatrist you must complete a three-year undergraduate degree that is currently only offered in Auckland at Auckland University of Technology (AUT) - you can get all of the details here.
After graduating, you apply to register with the Podiatrists Board of New Zealand and when you receive your annual practising certificate, you’re good to go!